Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base contains numerous support references, created by our support professionals who have resolved issues for our customers. It is constantly updated, expanded, and refined to ensure that you have access to the very latest information.
@Otago (eConnect)
Academic dress (regalia)
Academic integrity and misconduct
Academic orientation
Academic suspension
Academic transcripts
ACC accreditation
Accelerated Maths Programme (AMP)
Albany Street carpark
Alternative arrangements
Animal research ethics approval
Annual enrolment details
Appointment Management
Artworks collections
AskOtago Knowledgebase
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Blues and Golds Sports and Cultural Awards
Brand and Identity
Bullying and harassment prevention and support
Business Objects
Campus grounds
Campus memorials
Campus Watch
Campus Watch
Career Development Centre
Career Development Centre
Careers expos and events
Careers seminars
Careers workshops
Centre for Innovation
Christchurch campus
Christchurch public transport
Citizenship and residency details
Cleaning supplies
Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras
Complaints (student grievances)
Contact details
Continuing Education
Contractors and sub-contractors
Contractors' health and safety induction
Convocation Ceremony
Course Approval
Course approval
Course dates for Studylink 2024
Course declaration
Coursework masters' programmes
Coursework Masters' Scholarships
COVID Guidance and Resources
Credit for previous domestic tertiary study
Credit for previous international tertiary study
Degree or diploma certificate
Dental fees and finance
Dental treatment
Departmental awards
Departmental Health and Safety Officer
Digital print and news archives
Diploma for Graduates programme
Disability information
Disability Information and Support
Disability Information and Support
Discount programmes
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctoral programmes
Doctoral scholarships
Domestic student admission
Donations to the University of Otago
Dunedin campus
Dunedin campus map
Dunedin campus tours
Dunedin public transport
Dunedin Tertiary Open Day
eBooks and eJournals
Electric vehicle charging stations
Emergency Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Emergency phones
English for Otago (EFO)
English language support
English language support
Enrolment confirmation
Enrolment publications and guides
Entrance scholarships
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
Ethnicity details
Event catering
Event catering
Event Management
Event management
Event Support
Event support
Exchange learning agreements
Express catering
External and visitor ID cards
External scholarships
External usernames
Eye test and eye wear reimbursement
EZproxy and library eResources
Fax communications
Fees Free study
Final Examination Only (FEO)
Follow Me Print
FollowMe printing
Food and beverages
Gender details
General bachelors' degrees
General cleaning
General waste management
Graduate recruitment
Graduation ceremony
Graduation deferral
Graduation in absentia
Graduation in person
Green Your Scene
Guest tickets
Hands-On at Otago
Hazard management
He Kitenga
Health Sciences First Year
Health Sciences undergraduate professional programmes (HSUPP)
Higher doctorates
Hocken Collections
Homestay accommodation
Honours programmes
Human research ethics approval
IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Imagery and photos
Incident reporting
Incident reports
Incoming exchange students
Information evenings for future students
Insurance packages
Intermediate courses
International Information and Support
International scholarships
International student admission
International Student Advisers
International student orientation
International Support
Introductory Chemistry
IT Training Rooms
IT training rooms
IT Workstation
ITS Corporate Applications
JumpStart Physics
Junior Mathematics Competition
Justice of the Peace
Kickstart 101
Koha Gifting
Lab coats
Leadership and Management
Learning support advocacy
Learning support advocacy
Learning support workshops
Leased parking
Lecture note-taking
Lecture note-taking service
Library collections
Library Systems
Library Systems
Limited full-time status
Locals Programme
Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships
Maori Centre
Māori Centre Te Huka Mātauraka
Maori Support
Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme
Master's programmes
Media Enquiries
Media Relations
Mental health and wellbeing support
Mobility parking
My eQuals
My eQuals
Name details
National Poison Centre
National Poisons Centre
Networking and Interpersonal
Occupational Health
OET (Occupational English Test)
One-on-one careers advice
Ontrack (EBS)
Organisational structure
Otago Blogs
Otago Bulletin
Otago Global Student Exchange
Other postgraduate scholarships
OUSA Clubs and Societies
OUSA Student Emergency Fund
OUSA Student Support
OUSA Student Support
Outbound communications
Pacific Gifting
Pacific Island Support
Pacific Islands Centre
Paper changes
Paper selection
Parent Rooms
Parental Leave
Parents' Room
Parking on campus
Pathway │ Te Huarahi Scholarship
Pathway and English Language Centre programmes
Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
Performance–Based Research Fund (PBRF)
Personal hygiene facilities
Physical signage
Postgraduate certificates and diplomas
Postgraduate publishing bursaries
Preliminary lectures
Prestige and Named Scholarships
Print and Digital Graphic Design
Printers/copiers/scanners on campus
Private rental accommodation
Process Mapping / Automation
Proctor's Office
Professional doctorates
Programme changes
Programme planning
Puāwaitanga counselling service
Public holidays
Pūtea Tautoko Student Relief Fund
Queer Space
Queer Space on Campus
Rainbow communities
Rainbow Tick
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Recreation Services
Replacement degree certificate
Research funding and grants
Research funding and grants
Research masters' programmes
Research masters' scholarships
Residential college parking
Residential colleges
Resources for visiting students
Room bookings
Safety Patrol
Scholarships for Māori students
Scholarships for Pacific students
School leaver advice
Science Academy
Science Outreach Certificate
Science Wānanga
Sending mail to a University Flat
Service notices
Sexual violence support and prevention
Smoke-free campus
Social Impact Studio
Social Impact Studio services
Special collections
Special Consideration
Special examinations
Special Permission
Specialised bachelors' degrees
Spiritual wellbeing services
Staff Expenditure
Staff induction
Statement of completed qualifications
Statement of Satisfactory Progress
Student Advising and Support
Student allowances
Student Health
Student ID number
Student insurance
Student IT
Student loans
Student Management System
Student Services Fee
Student visa
Study assistance programme
Study preparation
Summer research scholarships
Summer School
Support for Māori students
Support for Pacific students
Te Ara Hauora
Te Reo Maori
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Te Whare Tawharau
The Policy Library
The University of Otago Chancellor
Thesis codes
Ticket Management
Timetable clashes
Timetable occurrences
Tuition fees
UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)
Under 18
Under 18 international accommodation
Undergraduate scholarships