
High-Capacity Central File Storage (HCS, also referred to as "file share" or "shared drive") supplies easily-accessed file storage from your desktop. Files are automatically backed up and the system can cater for varying storage requirements.

How do I find a High Capacity Storage (HCS)/shared drive file path

To find a High Capacity Storage (HCS)/shared drive file path that you have access to:


  1. Press Windows key + R or open the Start menu, then type in cmd /k net use and press Enter.
  2. There will be a list produced with drive letters and file paths in it. Look for the letter which matches the letter assigned to the drive in Windows File Explorer. There should be a share path along the lines of \\\


  1. Select the file or folder in the macOS X Finder.
  2. On your keyboard, press Command + I ("i" key) or right click on the file or folder and click Get Info from the pop up menu.
  3. Copy the path listed by "Server:"

If you do not already have the file, obtain the file name from someone who has access and follow the instructions in the related article: Connect to shared drives (HCS, Udrive) to connect.

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